Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers these past two days. Here’s what we now know and what that means for our March-April (and future) pastors training in Haiti. Facts. Faith. Future. Watch the video of this post HERE
After Ariel Henry, Haiti’s prime minister, traveled to Kenya, gangs in Haiti coordinated prison breaks, take-over of several government buildings, and what amounts to a siege of the airport in Port au Prince. They demanded the resignation of the prime minister and threatened civil war and genocide. Mr. Henry resigned yesterday.
In response to these events, Haiti’s OFNAC (equivalent to our FAA) closed all airports in Haiti and restricted its airspace. The Dominican Republic closed its border with Haiti – though they have allowed Americans and Dominicans to evacuate – and also closed its airspace to any flights to and from Haiti. U.S.-based airlines canceled all flights to Haiti as did missionary flight services. We read and heard April 4 as a possible end date of these actions, but like everyone we’ve talked with we aren’t holding our breaths.
All this is heart-breaking news – for Haiti’s people, pastors and PPI. I received MFI’s message Monday morning while in a meeting with the NFT Network, an online gathering of trainers of church leaders around the world. I had to shut off my camera to hide my tears and left the meeting early to pray.
Over the past two days, God has encouraged me especially with three Scriptures:
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. (Joseph’s words in Genesis 50:20)
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
In the near-term, we are postponing our March-April training. I explored several avenues for shipping our materials and then traveling to Haiti through the DR, but we would most likely be turned away at the Haiti border. Even if we could cross into Haiti, chances are good we could not get back out. I’m sad about that and, honestly, angry. I hate it that, through his oppression and disruption, the Evil One is hindering the spread of the gospel, the encouraging of pastors, and the strengthening of churches and communities in Haiti.
By God’s grace, that won’t continue for long and we will be able to get back to Haiti soon – because our focus has not changed for the longer term. God has called us to encourage, train and resource church leaders in Haiti and other developing countries. Fourteen years ago God introduced me to the need to raise up godly, well-trained church leaders in Haiti. This is where God led us. It just happens to be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere and one of the most unstable countries in the world! But that’s where the light of Christ can shine brightest, where the biblical work of Jesus’ church can make the most impact, where the love and truth of our God can transform lives and communities. We believe that to our toes, and we’re seeing it happen in Haiti in amazing ways. So it’s not time to throw in the towel. Far from it!
We will make the most of this time –
- Continuing to encourage and mentor our Haitian ministry team.
- Inputting 1300 students of our courses into WhatsApp groups for future communication and possibly even instruction.
- Finishing Course 5 Leading Jesus’ Church – Servant-Leaders and Organization and working on Course 6 Satan’s Opposition and Jesus’ Victory.
- Working out logistics of training church leaders in our next developing country, possibly the Dominican Republic.
- Learning more Creole.
- Preparing for our next trip to Haiti to encourage, train and resource church leaders there!
I’ll also be home for Easter this year to enjoy time with our family and friends. This is every bit as significant in the Lord’s mission as my time in Haiti!
We all are praying together with our Haitian brothers and sisters for the good of Haiti, the spread of the gospel and the strengthening of Jesus’ church. Be encouraged in prayer by our ministry team’s response to the news that we had to cancel our March-April training:
Map mande pou Bondye pran kontwòl sitiyasyon an. (I am asking that God will control the situation.)
Nou pap sispann priye pou sa. Bondye ka fè tout bagay. (We will not stop praying for that. God can do all things.)
Nou pap bouke priye pou konferans yo ka reyisi o non de Jezi. (We will not tire of praying for the training to succeed in the name of Jesus.)
Bondye nou an pa limite . . . Nou pral travay e adore papa Bondye ansanm. (Our God is not limited. . . We will work and worship our Father together.)
I responded to them:
Amen, chè frè. Nou pral wè Bondye nou an ap travay! (Amen, dear brothers. We will see our God work!)
God is working. Let’s pray and persevere for His mission and glory.
We are praying for you and the people of the affected areas. Our God is powerful and will overcome this.
We are praying daily for PPI and for Haiti!
Praying for God’s protection and for the enemy to be stopped. Praying for God’s word to go forward.