A number of you have asked us, “How’s it going?” and “What are you doing now?” Thanks for asking and thanks for praying! Here’s an update.
Interim Pastorate Ending
Most of you know that I currently serve as the interim pastor of First Baptist Church in Bad Axe, Michigan. Read THIS POST for more on that! FBC is close to calling its next permanent pastor, which means our time there is winding down. We have mixed emotions! We have grown to love this wonderful congregation, yet we are excited about the church’s and our next steps in ministry.
Full-Time Partner Development
We will hand the ministry baton to FBC’s new pastor some time between mid-August and mid-September. After saying our good-byes to friends in Bad Axe, we will devote the NEXT FOUR MONTHS (SEPT-DEC) to inviting churches to support PPI. We are working hard right now to prepare for this “big swing” at developing a support base for the ministry of Partnership of Pastors International.
How Will That Happen?
We created a “church information packet” and are assembling a list of church contacts. Beginning in early August, we will mail PPI info packets to potential supporting churches and invite them to meet with us. We are focusing mainly on church contacts in Michigan and the Midwest, Mid-South (Tenn, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina) and the East Coast. These are areas that we have interested friends and contacts. Then we will hit the road to meet with as many mission teams, pastors, and churches as possible!
How Can You Help?
One of our faithful PPI friends sent a simple text to me this morning: Anything we can do to help? YES – and thank you!
- ASK GOD WITH US! I shared four Scriptures from John 14-16 with our Board of Directors at our meeting on Saturday. The Lord Jesus urges us to ASK in His name so that the Father may be glorified (John 14:12-14), so that we bear much fruit (John 15:7-8, 16), and so that our joy may be full (John 16:23-24). Our Board is asking God for open doors and kindred hearts in training and resourcing church leaders in developing countries. Will you ask God with us?
- HELP US ON JULY 23! We will host our next PPI Volunteer Workday on Thursday, July 23 from 6:00-9:00pm. We will assemble 300 church info packets. We will also put together 500+ packages of over-the-counter medicines to ship to Haitian believers in early August. Come and help us that day!
- OPEN A DOOR, GIVE US A TIP! Do you know a church that may be interested in learning more about PPI? Let us know! Do you know someone selling a gently used camper at a good price? Send us the info! We will need a “home on wheels” as we meet with churches this fall. Contact us HERE.
- COMMIT TO MONTHLY PARTNERSHIP WITH US! Has the Lord touched your heart about the needs of believers in Haiti and other developing countries? Do you believe in what we’re doing to encourage, train and resource church leaders there? Take the next step to join our growing family of monthly partners! Get more info about that HERE.
I’m thrilled for you and Rena that you will be following your dream to serve. I would like to come and help you on Thursday, July 23rd. Let me know where and I’ll be there! I’ve missed you both and would like to catch up with you before your travels!