Haitian Christians need food right now, and we’re doing all we can to get it to them. You can help us provide nutritious nonperishable foods such as rice, black beans, corn meal, etc. by donating HERE.
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:17-18
What’s Happening?
In response to COVID-19, the Haitian government closed schools and businesses then ordered the Haitian people to stay at home. All that sounds good – and it’s working in the United States. The problem in Haiti is, neither the government nor employers provide any kind of financial safety net for Haitian workers. Haiti has no unemployment or public assistance. Making matters worse, the average Haitian survives from day to day in the informal economy. Most Haitians have no savings, no emergency fund, no freezers, no refrigerators.
Pastor Esaii told me, “Life is so hard in Haiti now. The people said to the president they would rather die of COVID-19 than die of starvation by staying home!” HELP HERE
What Are We Doing?
PPI maintains a bank account in Haiti that provides “startup” funds for our next pastors conferences. Pastor Esaii oversees this account for us. We typically carry a balance of $500-$1000 USD. Three weeks ago, I directed Esaii to use this money to help pastors and their families purchase food for themselves and their churches. They stretched the funds as far as they could. Now they’re out of food.
Over the last few days, I have talked with mission leaders in Haiti and in the United States about the best way to help our Haitian brothers and sisters right now. Our plan is to get as much nutritious, nonperishable bulk food as possible to Ouanaminthe within the next 10 days. We are working with our lead pastors there to distribute the food carefully so that it helps as many as possible for as long as possible.
How Can You Help?
Simply by donating money to Partnership of Pastors. As I write, we are tracking down the availability and prices of bulk foods. In the next few days, we will buy these foods in Haiti or here in the U.S. (or both) and get it as quickly as we can to our brothers and sisters in Ouanaminthe.
Will you help us do that? DONATE HERE
Hi Ken and Rena,
Good to hear from you. So sorry to hear of the desperation of those in Haiti.
We will mail you a check today.
God bless and take care of yourselves. Look forward to the day when we can get together.
Chris and Margaret