“It’s amazing how much we can accomplish if we don’t care who gets the credit.” Have you heard that before? Let’s align it biblically: “It’s amazing how much God can accomplish through us if we care that only He gets the credit.” From day one, Partnership of Pastors International has been committed to serving and serving with pastors associations in developing countries and also serving and serving with U.S. churches and other mission ministries. The mission Jesus assigned us is a great CO-mission, and we continue to experience the Lord’s favor for this commitment in so many ways! Here are some recent examples.
We buy Thompson Bibles, Creole Bibles and other pastors resources through CLC USA (www.clcusa.org), and have for many years. CLC USA leaders, Jim Pittman and Tim Hurd (pictured), and their staff pray for us, encourage us, work hard to get Thompson Bibles at the best price, then manage international shipping. That’s not easy in this post-COVID printing and shipping environment! As I write, we have 504 Thompson Bibles en route from France to Florida. We ordered and paid for 448 Thompson Bibles, and CLC USA generously donated another 56 to fill the shipping pallet. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to co-labor in Jesus’ mission with CLC USA!
Missionary Flights International (MFI)
Our Thompson Bible order will land first at MFI in Fort Pierce, Florida (www.missionaryflights.org). MFI will store and then, as we direct, fly Bibles and training materials when and where we need them in Haiti. In early December, MFI will carry 224 Thompson Bibles, all our training materials (~1000 lbs of cargo!) and our three American team members to Pignon, Haiti. We couldn’t do what we do without partnership with this awesome ministry!
Project Piti Pami (3P)
Project Piti Pami (3P) (www.3phaiti.org) is a medical ministry focused on community healthcare in Haiti. Since 2020, COVID-19 and increasing unrest largely suspended their efforts in Haiti. Tom Taugher, a young doctor in our church, co-leads this organization. In July, I introduced Tom to Pastor Jasmin, a key PPI team member and leader of an Association of 50 evangelical churches in northeast Haiti. After several conversations and much prayer, 3P is now helping the Association fund an innovative nutrition/health program for destitute elderly people in Association churches. We all are very excited about the initial impact and the great potential of this program! Tom will go with us to Haiti in December.
Timothy Two Project International (TTPI)
In November, I will spend a week in Colombia with Grady Davidson, a regional leader with Timothy Two International (www.timothytwo.org). TTPI is involved in discipling and educating church leaders around the world. This trip serves two purposes: First, it’s a “continuing education” or “ministry study” opportunity for me. Second, it’s an opportunity to explore a cooperative relationship with a good pastors discipleship/education ministry. Like many other ministries to Haiti, TTPI’s efforts there ceased with the onset of COVID-19 and rising gang violence. I have encouraged TTPI leaders over the last two years in ways they can return to Haiti. Grady expressed his desire to come with us to Haiti in 2025.
YOU are part of the Co-Mission!
As you take time to read these updates, pray for us and give to this work, YOU are part of the Great CO-mission. Thank you! Speaking of prayer, will you:
* Thank the Lord for Pastor Fritzner, a leader in the League of Pastors in Haiti. Fritzner attended PPI Course 1 two years ago and has been spreading the word about our training ever since! He will be part of our ministry team in December.
* Thank the Lord for our recent purchase of 448 Thompson Bibles from CLC France. Our CLC contact in the U.S. contributed another 56 to make the shipment a full pallet (a $1680 donation of Bibles). Praise God!
* Ask the Lord to guard our shipment of Thompson Bibles from France to MFI in Florida. We need these Bibles in Florida for partial re-shipment to Haiti in early December. We will use 224 Thompson Bibles in December as we offer Course 1 in two new cities in central Haiti.
* Please pray for our team as we finalize details of our December training – travel and lodging in country, partnering with two host pastors in two new cities, etc.
* Ask the Lord to give us full courses in December – 112 church leaders in each. Course 1 is typically full these days with a waiting list, but we will be closer to Port au Prince this time and security is more of a concern. I know of several church leaders planning to come to our training from Port au Prince. Please pray for safe travels and great blessing for them!
* Ask the Lord to guide us in finishing and translating Course 5. Lord willing, we’ll offer this new course in February.
Thank you all and please let us know how we can pray for you!
Will pray for each request.
Will be praying for these requests.
Thanks for keeping in touch, Ken. You remain in our thoughts and prayers at Lifespring Community Church.
Thank you, friends!
Great ambassadors of can you welcome me to join you for the work of our God