Most nonprofit organizations like PPI have a side gig. That is, they have committed support partners – like you! – yet they typically organize an annual fund-raising event to top up monies needed by the ministry. Golf outings, gala dinners, sponsored 5K runs or bike rides – these are a few examples of mission fund-raisers Rena and I have participated in through the years.
As I have prayed and learned more about developing and stewarding the finances of a nonprofit mission ministry, three truths about fund-raisers stuck with me: 1) a fund-raiser can be good thing when done well, 2) the fund-raiser needs to “fit” our organization and leaders, and 3) it needs to actually raise some funds to be worth the effort!
By now, you’re probably wondering where this is going. Ready? Drum roll . . .
Introducing the SUNRISE SIDE COFFEE TOUR! The idea is simple: We created a Tour “passport” (a booklet) of 19 participating local coffee shops from mid-Michigan to the Mackinac bridge – all on the sunrise (east) side of Michigan. The passport includes the location and highlights of each participating shop AND offers a significant discount on a drink to passport holders. (Most participating shops offer 50% off your first drink then 10% future drinks to passport holders.) Bonus: Our passport also includes a list by town of the 65 local coffee shops we visited and recommend. We can enjoy good coffee while exploring the sunrise side of the Great Lakes state! Check out example pages of the passport below.
Tour passports cost $20 each, and discounts are active until October 1, 2024 (next year!). ALL proceeds benefit PPI. The tagline of this project is Have coffee. Help others. The passport introduces people to our ministry and encourages them to learn more about the need and opportunity to train church leaders in developing nations.
1. Pray for this fund-raiser to be successful for PPI and for participating shops! We think it’s a good side gig that can benefit our ministry efforts in Haiti and other developing countries, and we want it to be win-win for small businesses, too.
2. Buy – and enjoy – a Tour passport. Purchase your Coffee Tour passport HERE. If you like coffee shops and meandering in Michigan like we do, you will love this Tour! We’ve found so many unique, out of the way shops to visit.
3. Support and thank the coffee shops participating in PPI’s Sunrise Side Coffee Tour. We plan to make the Coffee Tour an annual fund-raiser for PPI and would love to include more local coffee shops.
4. Encourage friends, family, co-workers, companies and schools to buy Tour passports. Coffee Tour passports make a great gift – for Christmas, school fund-raisers, clients or employees. We’re offering 20% off when you purchase six (6) or more passports at one time. CLICK HERE for more info on quantity purchases.
The Sunrise Side Coffee Tour – that’s our side gig. We’re excited about the “fit” and potential benefit of this fund-raiser for PPI. Most of you know that I worked for a Big Six accounting firm in Dallas for nine year before going into pastoral ministry. While there, I had the opportunity to rub shoulders with national leaders in restaurant consulting/concept development. I also edited and oversaw production of the National Restaurant Association’s State of the Restaurant Industry report. I love how the Lord wastes none of our experiences and skills if we allow Him to use them for His glory. And I also love coffee . . . a little. But I can quit any time! 🙂
This is so exciting Ken! What a fabulous idea and I am sure it will be a great success. I am so looking forward to enjoying a few of these places and it will be a great way for hubby and me to cruise on the motorcycle!
God Bless and praying for Pastor Isaiah and family.