Jesus accomplishes His mission through us. That’s His plan, and that’s our privilege. I’m currently reading the book 30 Years that Changed the World with a friend and PPI board member. The author (Michael Green) highlights the power, joy and worldwide impact of the early church recorded in the book of Acts. And he argues (correctly) that the Lord intends for His church today to experience the same power, joy and impact.
That’s our desire as we encourage, train and resource church leaders in Haiti and other developing countries. Our Savior is risen from the dead, exalted to Heaven and leading His Church until He comes again. Why should we not experience the power, joy and worldwide impact here and now? I’m convinced from Scripture that we can and we should.
But this kind comes by prayer and gospel labor. So THANK YOU for praying for PPI as we labor in the gospel! Your prayers are a great gift to us. Here are specific ways you can pray for us this week and next:
- Rena as she completes and mails PPI’s year-end giving statements – and in general administrates PPI as a growing organization. It’s a job!
- Me (Ken) as I finalize the wording, assignments and other details of our Course 1 workbook for our pastors conference in February.
- Pastor Esau as he translates the workbook into Creole – that the Lord will give him clarity and the right words.
- Our electronic exchange of the workbook text between Esau and me. (Internet is spotty in Haiti.)
- Church leaders in Cap Haitien – and all over Haiti – who will hear about our February conference. Esau and Jasmin will print and begin distributing conference flyers this week. We usually fill up fast!
- Our next U.S. mission team meeting this Saturday. Among other things, we’ll do some training in the Thompson Bible.
- PPI’s first Volunteer Workday next Friday (Jan 17). We’ll package and label 600 packets of over-the-counter meds! And prep PPI envelopes if time. 🙂
- Rena and I as we continue to balance pastoral ministry at First Baptist – Bad Axe and our development of Partnership of Pastors. We desire to do both with our whole hearts for the Lord.
Thank you for lifting up PPI to our Father’s throne of grace. This is how the Lord Jesus accomplishes His mission through us – prayer and gospel labor!
Just prayed for all of your requests, Pastor Ken.
I just prayed for you and your Ministry. You are doing great things for God Ken