Would you pray for believers in Haiti with tropical storm Laura bearing down on them right now? Haiti is especially vulnerable to natural disasters because of its location and its poverty.
When a tropical storm hits the United States, we see video of people boarding up homes and businesses, stacking sandbags, and then escaping the area in their cars. None of that happens in Haiti.
Karen Davis, long-time missionary in Haiti, wrote yesterday:
I do know we are supposed to have another storm heading our way. And yes, it’s supposed to turn into a hurricane. So, what do the people of Haiti do to prepare for this??? THEY PRAY! They open the churches for concentrated prayer. They can’t buy ahead what they need, since they can’t even buy what they need daily. They can’t “move” to another place…no where to move to! But they can PRAY, and boy, do they pray. And the Lord has heard them before in times like these, and He’ll hear them again!!
Would you pray with us for our friends in Haiti? Pray that God will protect them from the worst effects of this storm. Pray that the Lord will assure His children of His presence and care. Pray that He will give them opportunities to point to the hope of Christ through this fearful situation.
Thank you for lifting our friends to our Father of mercies.