Thank you all for praying for Haiti’s pastors, people and government. The Lord is working, and I have heard some good news! On Friday, Haitian leaders announced the formation of a nine-member provisional government. This national council represents diverse political groups in Haiti and will work toward the election of a prime minister and restoration of the legislature by 2026. This step needed to happen before the Kenyan-led security force would come to Haiti to help its national police quell gang violence, especially in Port au Prince, the capital.
This is a wobbly first step in the right direction. Though no gang leaders sit on the new national council, they likely have ties with political leaders who do. And a provisional government has been tried before – in 2016 when then-President Michel Martelly resigned. Haitian pastors and churches are praying that this group takes righteous steps forward to break the gangs’ choke-hold on their country, encourage the economy, and restore needed institutions of Haiti’s national government. Then hands over power to a godly, elected prime minister in 2026. Let’s join with them in praying for these things.
We’re encouraged in Scripture to make this kind of prayer our priority:
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
Petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving for governmental leaders – This is more than casual prayer at dinnertime! And Paul tells us why we must pray for leaders: so that believers in Christ may live peaceful lives in a way that opens the hearts of unbelievers to the good news of Christ. In times of social upheaval, it’s hard for Jesus’ churches to make disciples. That’s the primary reason we pray for peace and stability in Haiti – and in our own country.
As the Lord opens the way, we plan to offer three PPI courses in northeast Haiti in July. We considered trying to return in June, but after talking with our Haitian team, we believe it best to stick with our original July dates. We may need to work out alternative travel plans into the country, but unless security worsens significantly, we will go. And church leaders are champing at the bit for us to resume their training! By God’s grace, we will do just that.
Until then, petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving . . . and preparation (see pics below).
What are you thinking are the July dates?
Thanks Ken, for sharing this step in the right direction. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the people of Haiti.
Jim and Milly Hough
Am so grateful to God for His grace and mercies that Haiti seems to have future ahead. Thanks to you Ken for sharing. I will continue praying for people of Haiti and the world that the world should be a better place to be.
We pray for law and order to be restored to Haiti as soon as possible. We are also praying to our good Lord that the pastors who have been a part of the PPI ministry are unharmed and able to continue leading their communities in the ways of the Lord.
Needless to mention we are also praying for your safety Ken and that you will follow the leading oi the Lord as to when you return to Haiti.