Think of the best gifts you’ve gotten for Christmas – a special experience, a thoughtful something. We received a lot of special gifts this past week in Haiti.
For starters, we got to go! On November 12, the FAA prohibited U.S. aircraft from landing in Haiti after gangs shot at planes attempting to land in Port au Prince, the capital. (That ban is still in effect.) Missionary Flights International (MFI) received two 1-day waivers to fly people and cargo to and from Cap-Haitien and Pignon. We planned to train pastors in Pignon and nearby Hinche from December 12-19 and had reserved materials shipment and passenger seats with MFI.
The Lord answered our prayers! Unexpectedly, the FAA granted MFI a blanket waiver to resume their flights to Cap and Pignon. Our Haitian team also was able to fly with us from Cap to Pignon – and back after the training. What a gift!
Next, we received a warm welcome in central Haiti and were able to train 225 church leaders last week! We were excited that both sessions of Course 1 were completely full. Many church leaders came from surrounding towns such as San Raphael, San Michel and Mirebalais to take our course, further extending our foundational ministry training in Haiti.
Church leaders expressed their appreciation for the training and worked hard to finish the course successfully, required to receive PPI’s formal certificate of completion and earn a Thompson Bible. They’re excited for us to return in April to offer Course 2, and many plan to bring others to take Course 1 then. Praise God!
Also, Dr. Tom Taugher’s presence on this trip afforded a special blessing. Dr. Tony and I enjoyed conversation and camaraderie with Tom. (Two experienced doctors talking shop is an experience in itself!) Tom works as a ER doctor in our community and also serves on the leadership team of Project Piti Pami (3P), a nonprofit organization committed to community health in Haiti. During our time in central Haiti, Tom was able to spend face-to-face time with Pastor Jasmin Joseph, a key PPI leader with whom 3P recently partnered on an elderly care program in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Tom also had opportunities to re-connect with Haitian friends connected with the Haiti Medical Project, an important objective of his trip. Mission accomplished!
Finally, we get to celebrate Christmas with our families and encourage one another in Christ. For me, after arriving home on Friday evening, Rena and I finished preparations to travel to our youngest son and daughter-in-law’s house in Shelbyville, Tennessee. We are here now and will celebrate Christmas with all our children and grandchildren – an amazing gift from our gracious God. We can never forget that the Lord’s work in our own families and communities is every bit as important as His mission in places like Haiti.
To all of you, have a wonderful Christmas worshipping the One who came to give us eternal, abundant life. Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership with us – such special gifts to us and to so many in Haiti!
Welcome back home Ken. You have been in our prayers for a safe and successful mission trip. Margaret and I wish you, Rena and your entire family all the blessings for a peaceful and joyous Christmas season.