Haitian pastors in Atlanta, Georgia?! Yes! As I write this, I’m part of training 42 Haitian church leaders at a Haitian Alliance Church in north Atlanta. Nearly 20,000 Haitians live in this area.
My friend, Chuck Ballard, is leading this training and invited me to join him in encouraging and training Haitian pastors here. Chuck is the Executive Director of African Pastoral Training (APT) Ministries. (Check out aptministries.org for more information about Chuck and APT.)
Did you know that over 1,000,000 Haitians live in the United States? Nearly half reside in Florida, 190,000 in New York City, and the rest in larger U.S. cities such as Atlanta.
This is day two of our training, but already I have had many opportunities to meet and network with a number of Haitian-American pastors. They are concerned for their home country and are VERY interested in our pastors training there.
After the training, I will meet with leaders of the Haitian Evangelical Clergy of Georgia to talk more about partnering together in training Haitian pastors. This is an avenue of partnership – and potential multiplication of our vision – that I didn’t anticipate even a week ago. I’m humbled again by the Lord’s leading and these amazing opportunities to make a difference for eternity!
As part of today’s training, we focused on 2 Chronicles 7:14 then took time to pray specifically for Haiti. It was a moving time. Who knows how God will use our conversations with Haitian-American pastors in Atlanta to multiply our mission of encouraging, training and resourcing pastors in Haiti and other developing countries?
This is Awesome!!!
Praying for you and the Team to have Godly success and to expand your Haitian connections.
May God continually guide your steps. Peace Brother!
Thanks, guys. Exciting times. The Lord is leading us forward!
Wow!!!! Isn’t God good!?! We pray for you daily, and we’ll be sure to keep your work this week in our prayers. Thank you for keeping us informed so we know specifically how to pray.
So happy for you Pastor Ken and Rena! We love and miss you but are encouraged to see you helping others.
We never know when another door is going to open. Thanking God for you and your servants heart to reach out and be a missionary to the Haitian people.