We landed in Detroit last Friday from Haiti and hit the ground . . . driving! Today Pastor Esau Paulema and I drove to Atlanta, Georgia. We talked about life, wedding anniversaries and all things PPI. We sang songs, napped a little (Esau), learned more Creole (me), and navigated I-75 traffic for 13 hours.
We will meet this week with a number of pastors and Christian leaders in the Mid-South to present PPI and invite them to partner with us in encouraging, training and resourcing Haitian church leaders. Here’s our schedule for the week:
- Monday – Drive to Atlanta, GA (check!)
- Tues-Weds – Meet with Haitian pastors in Atlanta
- Thursday – Meet with pastors and Christian leaders in Chattanooga, TN
- Friday – Meet with pastor in Glasgow, KY
- Friday pm – Drive back to Michigan
Will you pray that we will be an encouragement to all those we meet with? We’re excited to learn more about their ministries and how God is leading them right now. Will you also pray for open hearts as we talk about our recent training conferences and future opportunities? I woke up this morning thinking about the prayer of Abraham’s servant, Eliezer, in Genesis 24. As Eliezer traveled back to Abraham’s homeland, he asked the Lord to grant him favor with those he met with and success in his task. That’s what Esau and I prayed this morning as we set off for the Mid-South.
Today begins 127 days of full-time focus on inviting churches and individual believers to regularly support PPI’s investment in Haitian church leaders. From now ‘til mid-December, it’s pedal to the metal on meeting with potential support partners and inviting them to commit to supporting this vision financially and prayfully. We are trusting the Lord to grant us favor and success in this task! Please pray with us!
Such amazing work and know we pray continually!
Thanks be to God for this incredible endeavor, and pray angel wings surround each of you in your travels.
Will be praying for the next 127 days while you are on your journey …