We crossed the Caribbean and landed in Fort Pierce, Florida, yesterday afternoon. Our U.S. team is back in the United States after two weeks in Haiti.
We thought we may need to leave early because of the unrest in Cap Haitien after President Jovenel’s funeral there. Mourners set up roadblocks, burned cars and fired guns. You all prayed, and we stayed in close touch with friends in Cap Haitien to get up-to-date information.
We decided to stay in Ouanaminthe one more day and drive up to Cap Haitien early Sunday morning before too many people were in the streets. Besides our driver picking us up late, we arrived in Cap with no problems. Praise the Lord!
We were able to lead our second training conference at Eglise Bethleem Baptiste (Bethlehem Baptist Church) with around 90 church leaders. They worked hard on Course 2 – Our Powerful Gospel, a study of Romans chapters 1-5. So many said they were so grateful that we had come to Haiti despite the recent problems of COVID-19 and especially their president’s assassination. They asked when we would offer the NEXT courses in Cap Haitien. A number of pastors from Gonaives – the city we had tried to go to last February – called Pastor Michel (a member of our coordination team) to ask him to remind us to come to Gonaives in February 2022. (That’s our plan, Lord willing.)
The doors are wide open to encourage, train and resource pastors in Haiti!!
I’m reading a book called The God Ask right now. On the flight back from Haiti yesterday, I read this passage that brought me to tears of joy. It reminded me again that PPI’s work in Haiti is about ALL of us partnering together to encourage brothers and sisters in Christ in places like Haiti – and strengthen the churches there. What a privilege!
I’m sure . . . you have no intention of showing up at the Revelation 7:9 throne all by your lonesome. Those you have led to Christ or discipled will be with you – along with those they have led to Christ and discipled. In addition, all those believers who have prayed for you and invested financially in you and your ministry will accompany you. [That’s all of you!] They will be with you around the throne, too. . . . It’s truly a team effort – a ministry partnership. (Steve Shadrach in The God Ask, page 41)
We live, we serve, we give, we risk for that day! More on the conferences to come, but for now THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING WITH US and enjoy the pictures.
So glad to read the reports of God’s work being done through your team as He brought you through the weeks undaunted! I have prayed for you and am so glad of the victories won by God this trip! Thank you for sharing those encouraging words from Steve Shadrach’s book…it has already impacted me. I havn’t spent much time imagining that scene, but I suspect it would do me good to meditate on what he said.
Great to hear you are all back in the US safe and sound. What a blessing you have been to the folks of Haiti (and we’re sure they were a blessing to you).
Your stories are uplifting as to how Christ is leading you to bless not only those souls in Haiti but to us too here in the US.
Hope to see you soon Pastor Ken (and Rena).
Pastor Ken:
God has worked through each of you in amazing ways during this trip. Korina and I have prayed for each of you to remain healthy, fed, to be challenging as well as challenged.
Thank you for your love for God, ministry and God’s people. You are an encouragement to us all.
Blessings, Curt (and Korina)