How is COVID-19 affecting Haiti? What about PPIs next pastors training there? Check out my VIDEO UPDATE here.

Partnership of Pastors International
Encouraging, training and resourcing church leaders
How is COVID-19 affecting Haiti? What about PPIs next pastors training there? Check out my VIDEO UPDATE here.
Esau Paulema, Co-Founder and Haiti Liaison We consider Pastor Esau the founder of Thompson Bible pastoral training in Haiti. In 2010, he asked us to return to Haiti to train pastors. Since then Esau has prayed and worked tirelessly to make every conference happen. He is a humble, … Read More
“In so many ways the Lord has prepared me all my life for this season of Kingdom work . . .” Read More »
Partnership of Pastors International, a nonprofit organization to dedicated to encouraging, equipping, and resourcing pastors and churches in developing countries.