Not every Christmas is like this one. This Christmas was extra special for a lot of reasons. Our children and grandkids came home for the holiday, except for Kurt and Jen, our youngest son and his wife. They announced to us on Christmas Day (via phone) that Jen is pregnant with their first baby. We cheered and cried. This is an answer to prayer!
This also was the year of our MacGillivray family Christmas gathering. I was dragging a little from our trip to Haiti, but I wouldn’t miss it! Nearly 40 family members gathered at Mom’s house to catch up, have dinner, and celebrate the coming of the One who changed the course of our family. What a special time!
God gave us special gifts this past week in Haiti. Our team of five Americans and five Haitians hosted PPI’s Courses 4 and 1 in northeastern Haiti for around 240 church leaders. Everyone dove into the details of the training, and I was so moved to see the Lord using each of our team members in special ways. The Haitian team led most of Course 1 to enable us Americans to get back home in time for Christmas with our families. Watch highlights of our December training HERE.
With the generous support of the Christian Motorcyclists Association (Michigan Chapter) and New Life Fellowship’s men’s ministry, Pastor Isaiah was able to buy a much-needed motorcyle (complete with helmets for him and Celina). This is a HUGE blessing to Isaiah’s family and also to PPI as we continue to expand our training across Haiti. Donate toward 2024 pastors training HERE.
We hope all of you had a special Christmas, too, worshipping our Savior Jesus with the multitudes of heavenly hosts! Thank you all for your warm encouragement, faithful prayers and generous support. We’re looking forward to an extra special 2024 of training hundreds of church leaders across Haiti and beyond!
We would like to ask if you can extend your Pastral Trainengs to Malawi. This country has a lot of untrained Local Church Leaders and Local Pastors who can not afford formal Theological Studies hence the need for your suppirt in Trainings
Welcome back home Ken. So pleased you were able to get back to enjoy your family at Christmas.
We hope to see you soon in the New Year.