We’ve lived in our house for nearly 20 years, and it’s time for a face lift. We tackled the bathrooms first, and to save money, we’re doing a lot of the work ourselves. (Pray for us!) Time, patience, YouTube and the right tools make the world go ‘round when you’re remodeling a room in your house. Thank the Lord for cordless drills and trim nailers!
Whether at home or work, having the right tools helps us get a task done right. Conversely, not having the right tools can be frustrating and discouraging.
Pastors need the right tools to lead their churches and make disciples. Good training is one of those tools, and key resources are another. PPI is committed to getting both into the hearts and hands of church leaders in developing countries like Haiti. From the beginning, our mission has been to “encourage, train and resource church leaders . . .” That’s why we train pastors using the Thompson Chain Reference Bible then award that Bible to every church leader who successfully completes Course 1. That’s why we provide Creole Bibles, resource books and tracts to pastors in our courses. We want to put the right tools into the hands of national church leaders and train them to use them well for the glory of God. The result of that simple strategy has been amazing!
Thank you all for helping us provide these Kingdom tools to (now) over 1000 pastors in Haiti, especially Thompson Bibles and Creole Bibles. Thank you also for giving toward specific resources for our ministry team – increased pay for Pastor Isaiah and a communion set for his church and diploma covers for the first graduation of the Evangelical Theological College (led by Pastor Jasmin). God is using you to outfit church leaders in Haiti for the task of sharing the gospel, growing believers and impacting their communities!
We’re looking forward to being in Haiti in December to lead two PPI courses and take part in the Bible college graduation. Two PPI board members – Jerry Schuitman and Tony deBari – and two good friends – Brian and Dawn Clark – will join me on this trip. All of us are excited to serve together with our Haitian team. And we’re taking tools with us:
- 136 Thompson Bibles for Course 1
- 460 Creole Bibles for both courses
- 260 workbooks for both courses
- 12,000 gospel tracts for both courses
- A LOT of materials that give our training maximum impact
As our partners in prayer and support, you go with us to provide the right tools to 250 church leaders in December and, Lord willing, nearly 1000 church leaders in 2024. Please know how much we depend on your prayers for us and how grateful we are for your generous giving that makes this training and these resources possible. Only eternity will reveal all the ways God is using us together to bless Jesus’ church in Haiti!