The day after I returned from Haiti in February, I received a letter from Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF). (As you know, we use MAF for in-country flights in Haiti – not to be confused with Missionary Flights International (MFI), which we use for shipping Bibles and training materials into Haiti from the USA.) MAF informed us that they are stopping flights in Haiti from April 1 through January 2024 because of security problems in Port au Prince. MAF plans to move its operations out of Port au Prince and, hopefully, will resume in-country flights in February. Pray for them and for all who fly with them in Haiti, including us!
We had planned to offer Course 1 in two north coast areas, Port de Paix and La Tortue, next week, but had to change plans when MAF canceled our flights there. Our Haitian team believes the road is too dangerous for us to drive the seven hours from Cap-Haitien to Port de Paix (see map). So our team prayed, talked and decided to offer Course 1 in Cap-Haitien and Limbe, a town just west of Cap. Neither city requires MAF flights to get there safely.
Our plans have changed, but we see Lord directing our steps! Church leaders in Cap have been asking us for Course 1 again, and our team has talked about offering training in Limbe for over a year. Although we had to shift gears quickly, we’re excited to train church leaders in these two strategic cities! Despite having our wings clipped (MAF stopping flights), we know the Lord intends for us to press on in encouraging, training and resourcing pastors in key cities in all ten Departments in Haiti.
I’ve often wondered how the Holy Spirit guided the Apostle Paul away from Asia and into Macedonia. Acts 16 tells us that God literally directed the steps of Paul and his mission team:
- They were prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the Word in Asia (16:6)
- The Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go north into Bithynia (16:7)
- So instead they went on . . . to the seaport of Troas (16:8)
Speaking of Course 1, I recently put together a spreadsheet to track which PPI courses we have offered so far in Haiti – where and when. Since 2020 (the first year we “officially” offered PPI training courses), we have led Course 1 seven times in four key cities in Haiti. Praise God! We have offered Course 2 five times in three cities and Course 3 two times in two cities. Lord willing, we will offer Course 4 in Ouanaminthe in December.
By the end of this year, we will have offered Course 1 ten times in five key cities in Haiti. By the end of next year (2024), we will have offered all six ministry training courses in Haiti at least once. That’s our plan anyway . . .
Thank you all for your faithful prayers and support as the Lord directs our steps!
Ken, bless you and keep you safe on your travels.
Working in the ever-changing environment of the car industry taught me that nimbleness and flexibility are requirements that often pay rich dividends. Ken, you sure are showing a lot of these characteristics. Bless your wonderful heart. Stay safe and alert.
We are currently studying through the letter to the Romans. Now in chapter 15 where he plans to come to Rome after going to Jerusalem. Verse 22 references being hindered from coming there sooner (Acts 16:7) I totally get what you are saying. Only the LORD knows the reasons. Keep making your plans and keep being flexible. God will bless in the end.
Thank you for your notes and encouragement, friends. We’re looking forward to our time with the good people of Haiti next week!
Ken, we’ll be praying from here for you. I SO wish we were there to greet and house your team. If you get a chance will you please stop at our place and leave some encouragement for our team there? We miss our home so much and I know you have a super group working with you there!! Blessings and prayers!!