We finished a special resource this week, and you can get a copy! This resource benefits American Christians like us as well as Haitian pastors. God-Pleasing Worship is a book based on a sermon series by my good friend, Joe Talone. Get your copy of the book HERE.
Regular supporters of PPI are receiving a copy of the book by mail as I write. Learn more about becoming a monthly partner HERE.
Joe gave me permission to edit his message series for print not long before he unexpectedly went home to Heaven in May 2019. Joe loves Jesus, His mission and His church. He was a gifted pastor and a leader’s leader. He lived a life of love in his family. Joe lived for God!
At first, I intended to bring Joe’s insightful, courageous biblical teaching to more believers and churches in the United States. After pastoring in two larger churches for the past 22 years, I’m convinced the Body of Christ also needs to hear from faithful, godly pastors of smaller churches. These pastors, like Joe, tend to focus well on the essentials of Jesus’ mission – evangelism, discipleship, community and missions.
But after Joe’s death, I became convinced that the Lord also intended for believers in Haiti to benefit from Joe’s teaching. Joe loved Haiti and served there many times with members of his church. Not long before he went to Heaven, Joe and I talked at length about the spiritual, physical, economic needs of Haiti – and how God might use us to make a difference for eternity.
Pastor Esaii Paulema helped me translate the book for Haitian pastors and churches. This was quite a task! First, I removed American cultural references that wouldn’t make sense to Haitian readers. I then sent this simpler English version of the book to Pastor Esaii, chapter by chapter, on WhatsApp. (WhatsApp is a messaging app used internationally.) Internet in Haiti is unreliable and expensive. Next Esaii read through each English chapter and wrote out long-hand his draft Creole translation. After double-checking it, he typed his Creole translation – chapter by chapter – into WhatsApp messages to me. He did a fantastic job of translating!
From there, I copied Esaii’s WhatsApp translations into a single Google Doc and went to work proof-reading and formatting the text. The WhatsApp messages came to me without any paragraphing and often without punctuation. Relying on the English version, Google Translator and my very basic knowledge of Creole, I formatted the text in MS Publisher into the Creole version of the book – Adorasyon ki fè Bondye Plezi. Every Haitian church leader who completes our training courses will receive a copy of this book, beginning with our two conferences in July.
Multilanguage Media, a long-time friend of PPI, is also purchasing several copies of the book in Creole and English to make available to other mission ministries. Praise God!
Get your copy of the book HERE.