I am reminded of the truth of Proverbs 16:9: A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. We made plans, but the Lord directed our steps in ways we couldn’t imagine!
We had planned to combine orders of Thompson Bibles with another ministry in Haiti in order to get the Bibles at a significant discount. (Read the details of that amazing opportunity HERE.) Thank you so much for giving toward these Bibles! That opportunity fell through when the other ministry in Haiti wasn’t able to commit all the funds needed for their 300 Thompson Bibles.
But the Lord directed our steps forward in two amazing ways! First, Keith Jones (the man who pulled our two ministries together for the Bible order) recommended PPI to CLC France so we were able to order our 264 Thompson Bibles on our own at the discounted price. Praise God! And from now on, I believe we will be able to order directly from CLC France at a discount and – hallelujah! – get our Bibles shipped directly from France to Florida (MFI).
Second, the other Haiti ministry heard more about PPI and, as a result, invited us to lead a PPI training at their 50th anniversary pastors conference in August. This ministry, EBAC in Haiti and Olive Cove in the U.S., has been working in Haiti for 50 years. (Literally. They will celebrate their 50th anniversary of ministry in Haiti in August.) Over those years they have established a network of nearly 300 churches in Haiti and the DR.
It seems to me that the Lord is directing our steps!
After reaching out to trusted friends in Haiti and talking with our Board of Directors, I accepted the invitation to lead a PPI training conference with EBAC/Olive Cove on August 9-16.
Please pray for this opportunity! PPI will provide 150 Thompson Bibles, workbooks, resource books (God-Pleasing Worship) and all our usual conference materials. Including my travel expenses, I estimate PPI’s financial investment in this special opportunity at around $8000. This is a significant step of faith because of our focus these next several months on building our support base. The Lord is stretching Rena’s and my faith in His provision, and that’s a good thing!
To be honest, I had planned to get to know these folks more and propose that we work toward a training conference some time next year. After talking with them at length by phone last week, I was moved to accept their invitation to offer a training conference this August for two reasons. First, this is their 50th anniversary celebration and they want to communicate to their network of pastors the need to deepen their commitment to God’s Word in their churches. They said about PPI training: “This is just what we have been praying for!” Second, I think the Lord has opened the door for us to at least explore the possibility of partnering with EBAC/Olive Cove to train pastors across Haiti and in the DR – well beyond this one training conference in August.
Update on Our July Training Conferences
The details of our two July training conferences in Ouanaminthe and Cap Haitien are coming together well. Esaii and Jasmin are working hard on the in-country details. We talk several times a week these days. They said pastors in Haiti are very excited for us to come! Pray for the Lord to protect their health and hearts for Him. We couldn’t do this without these two faithful brothers in Christ!
We have all our materials ready to go to Haiti, either at MFI (Thompson Bibles, Course 1 and 2 workbooks, and tracts) or in the PPI office at our house (everything else). Our new Course 2 workbook cover shown here – in English, Our Powerful Gospel.
One special item for prayer: We’re having trouble getting Creole Bibles. I started working with the Haitian Bible Society (SBH) three months ago, knowing COVID-19 has slowed down production and shipping everywhere. Magda Victor at SBH told me last Tuesday that she expected to have their shipment of Creole Bibles from the South Korean printer by July 1 – but could not promise. Please pray with us that the Creole Bibles come through in time for SBH to ship them overland to our two training conferences in mid-July!
The Lord is so wonderful to include us in His saving work in the world! Thank you for your partnership with us in His mission. We couldn’t do this without your encouragement, prayers and faithful financial support.
Grateful for His leading,
Great news Pastor Ken! Thank you for sharing. Many more blessings are just around the corner for PPI
Praise God Pastor Ken. God continues to provide and guide this much needed ministry. We will continue to pray for you and your team. May God continue to lead and direct your work in Haiti.
God Bless,