We began the second day of Course 2 – Notre Puissant Evangile (Our Powerful Gospel) with two stories. I told about the big apartment fire near our house the day before we left for Haiti. “What if someone in their apartment didn’t know about the fire?” I asked the pastors. “They wouldn’t realize the danger they were in unless someone knocked on their door and warned them.” Brian and Dawn shared that they met Jesus in their 30s. “If we had not come to Christ, we probably would not be married now,” they said. “God has helped us get through all our trials together.” Nearly 100 Haitian pastors listened intently.
“These are examples of why we share the good news of Jesus with people around us,” I continued. “Everyone who has not given their lives to Christ is in present and future danger.” For three days using the Thompson Bible, we studied the four essential truths of the gospel in Romans 1-5:
- God’s rights and wrath.
- Our rebellion and hypocrisy.
- Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
- Saving faith.
The good news about Jesus is the foundation of our churches and the reason for our mission!
Today (Thursday) we started Course 1, our foundational training course, with 112 church leaders (our maximum). They are eager to learn and caught on quickly. I love the moment on Day One when the lights go on for them! That’s the moment church leaders grasp that they can study a Bible topic using the Thompson Bible’s “chain reference” system. They look up with big smiles on their faces. They talk excitedly with one another. They search the Scriptures with energy and joy in completing Assignment 2 in their course workbooks.
Please continue to pray for us! Our ministry team is working hard on the details of registration, attendance, materials, conference lunches and more! We see the Lord giving us joy and strength as we welcome church leaders each day and interact with them. Pray that each church leader will grow in confidence in the truth, authority and life-changing power of God’s Word. Ask the Father to encourage each of them in using the Thompson Bible to understand Scripture and to prepare Bible-rooted sermons and lessons. Pray that the Holy Spirit will move each of them to re-commit to caring, honest, skillful ministry in their churches. Our goal is NOT a well-run training conference but fruit that lasts for the glory of God in Haiti.
THANK YOU for being part of our “supply lines”!
I absolutely love this! Praise God for the fruit that is happening there. Thank you for all you guys are doing to share the truth of the gospel.
Paise God for continuing to use this ministry to advance His kingdom. Thank you, Ken and your team, for being dedicated, faithful servants. We will continue to keep this ministry and this conference in our prayers.
God Bless
How much we could learn from these wonderful Haitian men and women who approach your conferences with such eagerness to learn and for the joy they experience when they come to know and understand the Truth.
Many blessings to you Ken and the team in bringing the salvation message to these awesome folks. Stay safe and healthy.