What makes you cheer? I mean, get-all-excited, don’t-care-who-sees-you cheer? (I got close when University of Michigan’s football team won the national championship in January!) Our ministry team saw that kind of cheering on Wednesday (Feb 14), the final day of Course 2. It happened when we announced that each church leader who completed the course would receive three Creole Bibles in addition to their certificate of completion. Three Bibles! The room erupted in applause and shouts of joy. Sixty church leaders raised the roof!
Jasmin, a member of our mission team, told me later that he recently gave a Creole Bible to a young man in his church. The young man hugged him and thanked him repeatedly. “It was like I was his papa,” Jasmin said. Pastor Isaiah noted that he sees far fewer Jehovah’s Witness “bibles” in his city of Ouanaminthe since we have been getting Bibles to churches there. Give toward Creole Bibles HERE
Pastors in Haiti like to give a Creole Bible to an adult after they are baptized as a believer in Christ, but they’re having a harder time than ever getting them. For starters, the Bibles are shipped to only one national distributor in Haiti, the Haitian Bible Society. The HBS is located in Port au Prince, Haiti’s capital, a city now besieged by gangs. And, if they can be found, they’re prohibitively expensive for the average Haitian. Whole Creole Bibles cost nearly $14 each in U.S. dollars. That doesn’t seem like much to us, but for so many Haitians who earn less that each day, having their own Bible is a luxury they just can’t afford.
Hence the cheers!
We will distribute 480 Creole Bibles and 112 Thompson Bibles in our three courses this week and next. Since we officially launched PPI in 2019, the Lord has enabled us to put over 3100 Creole Bibles into the hands of Haitian Christians – not to mention the hundreds of Thompson Bibles church leaders have earned in PPI Course 1.
That’s only possible because of your faithful prayers and partnership with us. Let’s continue to get God’s life-changing Word into the hands of church leaders. Let’s continue to encourage and train those leaders how to teach and live out God’s Word as they shepherd their churches and impact their communities for Christ. Can you imagine how God could use us for eternity? Give toward Creole Bibles HERE
That’s something to cheer about!
Thank you Jesus for returning back safely and thank you for sharing, God bless you.
We’ve been praying every day for you and Rena asking the good Lord to protect you and keep you safe and well. So pleased that the training went so well and there are now even more Haitians ministers ‘armed’ with the material and knowledge to further His kingdom in Haiti.
So glad you are home safe and were able to teach courses and pass out more bibles!!
God is working!!
In a nation where spiritual forces are thick, we are grateful you are able to push against those delusions…God’s Word accomplishes His purposes!
Thank you for your encouragement and prayers, friends. Indeed the Lord is working in and through church leaders in Haiti! We’re honored to have a part in encouraging them through teaching and providing the Scriptures.