We’ll make a few revisions, but Course 3 is a keeper! We offered this new course – Leading Jesus’ Church: Mission and Strategy – in two cities in Haiti in December with great response. Here’s how the course begins (taken from the workbook):

The New Testament book of Acts records the first 30 years of Jesus’ church. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Luke tells us how the church began and what Jesus’ first disciples focused on in that first generation of the church. They were very effective!
In 30 years’ time, the church had carried the good news about Jesus to the known world. They won thousands of people to Christ, discipled them, raised up leaders and planted churches. These new churches carried on this same mission. They accomplished all this despite problems, poverty and persecution!
How did they do it? What made the early church so effective? How can our churches make that kind of impact today? In this course, we will learn from Scripture the principles and practices of Jesus’ church so that each of our churches can be a New Testament church in our generation to the glory of God.
On day two of the course, we focus on the mission Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:18-20: Make disciples of all nations by going, baptizing and teaching them to obey. Using our Thompson Bibles, we define a “disciple” from Scripture and discover how the Lord intends us to “make” them. What does it mean practically to go, baptize and teach? At the end of day two in Ouanaminthe, church leaders clapped and cheered. That’s a first!
Whether we live in Haiti or Harbor Springs, the Lord’s mission – and His power and presence to live it out today – should excite us.
This was a good trip. The Lord enabled us to train 264 church leaders in three courses. (Enjoy the pics below.) We have noticed that pastors are traveling from farther away to attend our courses. Invariably, they implore us to come to their cities to train church leaders there. We’re grateful to God for the favor and open doors He is giving us in Haiti! Please pray for His favor to continue to be upon us. We don’t take that for granted, and the spiritual opposition is real. Pray for the Lord to protect the hearts, words and actions of our team so that we can continue to honor our Savior and truly encourage every church leader before, during and after our training. They are the front-line leaders God has called us to encourage, equip and resource.
Next month (February) we will offer three courses in northwest Haiti. We’re working hard right now to prepare for that training – though I do plan to take a couple days of sabbath time next week.
We hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends as well as a good beginning to this new year of opportunity. Let’s depend upon the Lord’s strength to walk with our Savior and live out His mission every day. Above all, this is our purpose and joy in life!