Today has to be the coldest day of the year in mid-Michigan – 10 below zero when I got up this morning. Rena and I will venture out for a walk later this afternoon (the Fitbits must be fed). Besides that we’re staying indoors!
What do we do on days like this? We prepare! Making the decision to postpone our February training in Gonaives was hard. We had to rewind a lot of reservations and preparations. And, honestly, it was like being thrown off a horse when I was a kid. I had to get up, wipe away some tears, dust myself off, and get ready to mount up again. Read more in my PREVIOUS POST
So now we’re in preparation mode. The prophet’s call rings in my ears:
Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, “Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God! 4 Fill in the valleys, and level the mountains and hills. Straighten the curves, and smooth out the rough places. 5 Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. The Lord has spoken!” (Isaiah 40:3-5)
Clear the way! Make a straight highway! Fill in, straighten, smooth out! Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. John the Baptizer used these words to announce the coming of Jesus, but they also apply to our own preparations for the Lord.
What can you do this winter to prepare for the Lord to work? What preparations do you need to make? Let’s make the most of our time and invest for eternity!
Here’s what’s on the PPI “To Do List” between now and the two upcoming training conferences in July:
Work out an acceptable, reliable solution to the new CDC international travel guidelines. I tried the first COVID-19 home test we could get with unsatisfactory results. Please pray about this!
- Plan and build out the PPI office/workroom. We’re using a room in our house for this space. More details on this project to come in my next post.
- Contact and follow up with potential financial partners. I will preach and present PPI at Gateway Church in Port Huron on Feb 28.
- Finish writing the workbook for PPI Course 2 – Our Powerful Gospel. We plan to offer this course in Cap Haitien in July, Lord willing. Like all our training courses, Course 2 will be keyed to the Thompson Chain Reference Bible (French version) and translated into Creole.
Finish editing, formatting, translating and printing the book God-Pleasing Worship. I have a rough draft of this resource completed and, Lord willing, plan to have it ready for printing in English and in Creole by May 1. Check out a SAMPLE of the book here
I’m so grateful to the Lord that I have the privilege of being neck-deep in projects that are life-giving to church leaders in Haiti and other developing countries! I’m so thankful that God chooses to use our preparations, done in faith and love, to reveal His glory. That warms my soul on a cold Michigan day. I hope it warms your soul, too. Give to PPI HERE
God bless you and Rene for the wonderful work you and your colleagues are doing. We couldn’t help thinking where will your ministry be in the years to come. From a mustard seed grows great things. Your ministry will become a blessing to many, many people of different cultures and backgrounds. Bless your wonderful hearts.