HAPPY 2025!
The Lord enabling us, 2025 will be the best year ever for PPI training! We plan to offer 14 PPI courses in 8 cities in Haiti and, for the first time, 2 cities in the Dominican Republic. (We will focus on Haitian church leaders there.) That means we’re prepared to train over 1500 church leaders this year, awarding 670 Thompson Bibles and distributing over 2,024 Creole Bibles and other ministry resources to Haitian churches. Please pray for us and partner with us! Become a monthly partner HERE.
“From Him, through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen!” (Romans 11:36)
* February 24-March 12, 2025 – Offer Courses 1 and 3 (2x) in two cities in northern Haiti. We award not only Creole Bibles but also our resource book, God-Pleasing Worship (in Creole translation) to every church leaders who successfully completes Course 3. Read more about worship in Haiti and the book HERE.
* April 28-May 14, 2025 – Return to central Haiti to offer Course 1 (again) and Course 2 (2x). In December 2024, we offered Course 1 in two cities in central Haiti for the first time. We enjoyed full courses in both cities – overflowing! – and church leaders there are excited for us to return.
* July 25-August 8 – Offer Courses 1, 2 and 5 in the Northeast Department of Haiti, including Course 5 for the first time. We intend PPI courses to be thoroughly biblical and rubber-meets-the-road practical. Course 5 is our second course on church leadership (Course 3 is the first) and focuses on servant-leadership and church organization. Learn more about PPI courses HERE.
* November 3-13 (tentative) – Introduce PPI training to Haitian church leaders in the Dominican Republic. The DR is second only to the USA in numbers of Haitian immigrants. An estimated 2 million Haitians currently reside in the DR – 70,000 citizens or documented workers and 1,930,000 undocumented workers. Pastors and churches there need encouragement, training and resources! Help us expand PPI training to the DR this year
* December 5-19 – Return to northeast Haiti to lead Courses 1, 3 and 6. We plan to offer Course 6 –L’opposition de Satan et la victoire de Jésus (Satan’s Opposition and Jesus’ Victory) for the first time, Haitian pastors have asked us to teach on this topic. Introducing Course 6 also fulfills our vision of offering six foundational ministry training courses in Haiti and other developing nations.
We thank the Lord for a fruitful 2024! We were privileged to train 826 church leaders in 8 cities in Haiti, despite being required to cancel our March training when the FAA suspended flights to Haiti. In 2024, we awarded 448 Thompson Bibles and distributed over 700 Creole Bibles through our courses. Ken also participated in training pastors in Medellin, Colombia, with the sister ministry, Timothy Two Project International.
In 2024, we had the privilege of facilitating an exciting partnership between Project Piti Pami (3P), a U.S. medical mission, and association of 50 churches in northeast Haiti led by Pastor Jasmin Joseph, one of PPI’s key team members. The Association and 3P launched a holistic program to provide food, basic medical care and spiritual encouragement to destitute elderly people in their community. We anticipate good Kingdom fruit from this partnership!
Our goal is to make foundational ministry training accessible to as many church leaders as possible. Since most families in nations like Haiti live on less that $3 USD per day, it’s next to impossible for them to attend a traditional Bible college or seminary (and most are now closed in Haiti). Most church leaders in developing countries lead their churches for little to no pay and have a “tent making” job to support their families. That’s why we’re committed to encouraging, training and resourcing every church leader who takes part in our courses!