We’re finished. My time as interim pastor at First Baptist Church in Bad Axe has ended. We have grown to love this dear congregation. They love the Lord. They’re serious about learning and following His Word. They want their lives to count for the gospel in their community and around the world. It was hard to end our time there.
Our feelings are mixed, but our thoughts are clear. God has called us to encourage, train and resource pastors in Haiti and other developing countries. He wants us to rally believers and churches to help brothers and sisters in Christ whose basic needs – basic needs – consistently go unmet. The love of Christ, growing opportunities and God’s clear leading compel us!
We ended our time at First Baptist with this beginning in mind. We begin a new season of expanding the impact of Partnership of Pastors International (PPI).
What’s next? By God’s grace, we will devote full time for the next 9-10 months to building a base of financial support for PPI. A small monthly salary from PPI complemented by our personal savings will provide for our needs through these months. I will also lead three (3) pastors training conferences in Haiti during this season of development, Lord willing.
How will we do it? We will pray then meet with as many churches and individuals as we can to tell them more about PPI and invite them to partner financially and prayfully with us. We have developed an information packet for potential supporters that shares the vision, strategy and impact of this ministry.
What then? We’re praying and working toward continuing full-time with PPI without looking back! That’s our heart’s desire. As the Lord opens doors and hearts, we will build a base of financial partnership that enables us to fully engage the need for training and resourcing church leaders in poor countries. We’re convinced that’s what it will take to fulfill PPI’s mission. CLICK HERE for more information about my full-time role with PPI.
What can you do? If you already partner regularly with us, THANK YOU! Will you pray for us in this season of development and tell others about Partnership of Pastors International? Would you consider increasing your support of this mission, as you are able?
If you have not yet partnered monthly with us, TAKE THAT STEP if the Lord wants you to. Supporting a mission organization is an act of stewardship and partnership. If you see the need to help believers in places like Haiti, get involved. If you believe that PPI will represent you well in encouraging, training and resourcing pastors in Haiti and other developing countries, send us.
We’re asking you to ask the Lord whether He wants you to support PPI. We’re inviting you to make the commitment to give to PPI consistently and generously. To become a PPI partner. Through His grace and the power of His Spirit, we will represent you well! CLICK HERE to learn how you can become a PPI partner.
We’re grateful to the Lord for our 22 months at First Baptist in Bad Axe. We’re trusting the Lord for this next step with PPI.
Thank you all for praying for us and partnering with us!